This game is basically just about being me. Off to see a friend for the first time in forever, and finally there's a travel system for the disabled! It's not much, but it's better than what I'm used to!

Controls for computer -
WASD/Arrow keys - Move
Enter = A
C = Start (at title screen and in service station)

Added my animated logo!
I have now done some other tweaks and hopeful fixes. You should be able to get both endings with a playthrough each.
I have fixed the timer bug. There IS a Game Over state. If there isn't, please let me know.

In terms of accessibility for the game, I'm afraid it being on Gameboy means it is purely visual. I have no sounds because I can't do WAVs on GBStudio 2 and I have not yet upgraded due to unfinished projects.

Copyrights -

GBStudio (c) Chris Maltby
Pokemon (Character sprites altered, stairs, doors, paper) (c) Nintendo
RPG Tsukuru GB (walls, character sprites whether altered or unaltered) (c) ASCII Entertainment.
Keitai Denjū Telefang (Phone layout) (c) Natsume
Harry Potter (Chair I'm using as driver bus seat) (c) EA

Updated 14 days ago
StatusIn development


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It's awesome playing a game that was brainstormed on the server <3
Sadly, I was stuck in one of the screens (the one after the train station I think) and couldn't find the exit. But the beginning was impressive, as usual, you have rocket skills with GBStudio!

If you'd followed the pavement up, the little dark square at the top is the exit but you have to walk up into it XP I need to readjust that one so you don't cross over the building's border to be able to do it. It's supposed to be one of those Edge Of Road thingies.

I would hope after 3 years I have some sort of skills XP