Please do not download, I can't give you permission given some of the assets aren't mine, even if the company behind the original game is gone. I don't want to risk Disney coming after me for you having it. Thankies.

A demo, so far, of the 1990's LucasArt DOS game, Loom. Yes I could have made it a point and click but I didn't feel like it.
I wanted to show this one some love as it's an unfinished trilogy.

I wonder, if I can get to talk to people that made this, if I can make the other two games that never made it into existence. I know the sequel Forge is a fangame that's WIP, it'll be somewhere on the internet, but the final one is a mystery to me.

Also this is the closest I can get to the line of demake given the Gameboy came out the year before XD

I do plan on making the rest of the game whenever I get to it! I've already started on the next bits.

Controls are -

Movement - WASD/ Arrow keys
A = Enter
B = Shift
Start = c (nothing mapped to it in-game)
Select = v (Book once picked up, or so I have programmed, might not work)

I am aware the Weaving tent might be the only problematic scene in terms of clashing sprite changes, but it works. I'll fix it later.

Copyrights -

LucasArtGames for Loom base, story, characters, locations (that I have adapted) and dialogue.
RPGTsukuru for tiles and base hooded sprite I have adapted.
Harvest Moon for Tiles
Animorphs for 'rabbit'.
Whoever created the Crystal Clear Noctowl I altered -
PixelMech - Forest Tiles (mainly the spindly/tall tree) and the Lake.
HP for Cauldron
Vivendi Universal Interactive for Spyro Season of Ice Book base.

Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development

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